We pleased to presente our first Corporate Social Responsibility Report with the objective of highlighting our commitment to environmental and social responsibility, compiling the actions carried out in 2020 and we took a look at our trajectory.
We set ourselves new challenges in 2020: to improve our actions within the communities where we shoot, as well as measuring and quantifying them.
This is a long road, and there are many improvements and advancements to be made.
We constantly reaffirm our commitment, convinced of the importance of carrying out our activities in a sustainable and socially responsible manner.
As one of the leading companies providing production services in Spain, we feel we have the duty to be an example for good social and environmental practices.

For us it is essential to integrate environmental management into our commitment to sustainable growth.
- Make each shoot more sustainable
- Reduce the use of materials, single-use packaging
- Convert filming waste into resources, giving it a second life, donating it to NGOs
- Advance in social responsibility, commitment with the locations where we work
- Updating and distributing the manual of sound environmental practices in filming.
