We have finished filming Terminator in Spain


Complex logistics for the shooting of Terminator 6 were involved as there were more than 1000 technicians, 7 provinces and 2 shooting units. It was all a challenge but a great success, thanks to our team!

Locations in 7 Spanish provinces: Madrid; Salamanca; Almeria; Guadalajara; Murcia; Alicante and Toledo recreated different South America countries where the plot of the film is based.

In this new release of Terminator James Cameron returns as a producer to the franchise and gives us the sequel to ‘Terminator 2: The Last Judgment’ which he produced in 1991, bypassing the three installments which the writer did not participate in: ‘Terminator 3: the rebellion of the machines’ (2003), ‘Terminator: Salvation’ (2009) and ‘Terminator: Genesis’ (2015).

 The Terminator premiere is scheduled for November 2019, we are looking forward to going to the cinema to enjoy a great action experience !!

More information: IMDB


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