Fresco Film participates in the Green Screen project


We have participated in the first workshop of Green Screen in Malaga, whose objective is to reduce the carbon footprint in audiovisual productions.

Green Screen is a European project with 8 countries currently participating, Málaga based Promálaga represents Spain. It is a pioneering project that seeks to identify the best environmental practices to reduce the carbon footprint in the film and television industries.

The partners of this project are:

  • Film London (UK)
  • Municipality of Ystad (Sweden)
  • Flanders Audiovisual Fund (Belgium)
  • Ile-de-France Film Commission (France)
  • Bucharest Ilfov Regional Development Agency (Romania)
  • Promálaga (Spain)
  • Rzeszow Regional Development Agency (Poland)
  • Regional Development Agency Senec – Pezinok (Slovakia)

We are aware that all audiovisual productions have a strong impact on the environment: transportation to and from locations; art department construction; lighting; catering; personnel travel; and accommodation all contribute to our carbon footprint.  That is why at Fresco Film we are taking measures to achieve the minimum environmental impact during filming and pre- or post-production.


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